I am in NYC, came home this Monday for my JET interview, which is a program organized by the Japanese government to attract English Teachers from English Speaking nations around the world to teach English in Japan. I interviewed for a International Relations Coordinator Position, I think it went well. I came home and found that our house was remodeled with a new wall put up right in the middle of our living room, it was a really strange sight, but cool. It feels strange to walk into a house that you've lived in for over twenty years and to find that it suddenly looks like its grown, like a person would. Anyhow I am enjoying my time home, I'll be returning to
The Berlin Film Festival just finished on Sunday and I must say that it has made my
Wednesday, February 21, 2007
Short trip home
Friday, February 09, 2007
Directed by Ognjen Svilicic.
Armin is an international production between
Upon arriving in the capital, Armin begins to feel at the same time overwhelmed and intrigued by the landscape of the city. His father in all his optimism offers to spend far more than he can afford in order to make their stay in the capital feel even more grand and special. There first night in
Like most father-son movies that involve a team effort to achieve some goal, Armin’s father is exceedingly proactive in promoting his son and ensuring his success at the audition. He buys a round of whiskey for the people working on the film in the hotel’s bar despite coming from a modest village in
The son, throughout their stay in the capital, acts as the voice of reason constantly reminding the father that they are not wealthy and that they do not need to prove themselves to be otherwise in the capital. However, there is a part of him that wants to succeed and that part comes out of him when he begins to practice his lines for the audition. On the day of he ends up waiting and waiting and is eventually told that he looks too old for the part. Upon hearing this, his father barges his way through to ask them to reconsider; he is finally able to convince them to hear his son showcase his accordion playing skills. All seems well and good until the son suddenly freezes and drops to the floor in the middle of singing and playing a Bosnian folk song. The sickness seems to add only insult to injury; all their hopes are dashed. The following day, the director calls the father and son back in as they are about to leave the hotel; he asks them if they would be willing to share the story of his son’s sickness in a documentary about the war in
This movie reminded me a great deal of Chen Kaige’s movie Together with You. Both movies center on the relationship between a father and son and the pursuit of a better life through stardom. However, in the end both movies leave the audience with a pleasantly warm feeling upon seeing a bond between father and son that is founded on mutual love and a desire to be together in truth and sincerity rather than focused on the pursuit of success. Armin is especially moving and poignant because the father and son are very much defined by their humble home in
Pas Douce - Passing Shot
Passing Shot is a surprisingly complex emotional drama of a woman who, in a failed attempt to kill herself, ends up shooting an innocent teenage boy. The protagonist, Frederique, in an ironic twist of fate ends up having to nurse the boy back to health at her hospital. As the movie progresses, the reluctant and enraged boy begins to develop a soft spot for Frederique; the sentiment is reciprocated by Frederique as she gradually overcomes her inability to be near the boy without fainting.
What made this movie particularly engaging for me was the psychological complexity of the characters. Frederique is a nurse who is eerily unafraid of the dead; she also happens to be a champion marksman. From the beginning of the movie she is portrayed as a character that is emotionally distant. She has a broken relationship with her father, the person who taught her how to shoot; and her boyfriend tells her that he has found another woman, which is what prompts her to attempt to take her own life. The audience never really gets a complete picture of her emotional state before she shoots Marco, but we do get a sense of how her relationship with Marco brings her to the point where she willingly admits to the police that she was the shooter.
Marco is an emotionally sensitive teenager whose mother moved from
The plot seems extremely staged in the sense that the same woman who randomly shoots a boy in the forest ends up being the nurse that has to take care of him. However, the strength of the movie lies primarily on a relationship that is borne out of seemingly unrealistic chain of events. The uncertainty as to whether or not Frederique’s secret will be found out becomes the driving force of the plot. This uncertainty is what gives depth to her relationship with Marco. Throughout the movie the audience is wondering to what degree Frederique’s guilt influences her relationship with the boy Marco.
The movie has a number of exceptionally well acted scenes. One scene that I found particularly moving was the scene right before Frederique goes to confess to her crime. Marco has already found out about her secret and angrily tells her to get out of his room as soon as she tries to enter. She walks over to his bed, with Marco in bed and his friend by his side, and begins to apologize and explain her actions. At the moment when Frederique says that she was attempting to shoot herself, Marco’s face changes from one of anger to one of compassion. Tears fall from her eyes as she realizes it was her luck that Marco took the bullet instead of her, because she did not want to die. At that point she goes to leave and Marco tells her that no one is forcing her to confess. She acknowledges that and she walks over to hold his hand; the moment seems to last forever and it is in that moment that we understand that Marco has forgiven Frederique and that she has accepted.
Berlinale - Film Festival Day One and Two
On a side note, it has been snowing these last couple of days; as a result, Berlin has been incredibly beautiful, kind of like a winter wonderland.
Tuesday, February 06, 2007
Cyprus !
Here’s an update on my life. Last week our entire group had the opportunity to visit
Having heard impassioned representatives from both sides, I am at an impasse in deciding which side to root for. I’ve come to the conclusion that the political situation is just way too complicated for it to be simply about one side being right and the other wrong. But aside from political matters, the nation is gorgeous. They have summer-like temperatures literally three-quarters of the year. Cypriot food is like a mix of Turkish and Greek food with a little of their own kick to it. They have amazing cheeses and also do quite a number with pork and lamb (I only tried a little, I’ve pretty much given up eating meat) I would definitely recommend the country if your into touristy stuff and you want to visit a beautiful island that is also really interesting and culturally diverse. We got to visit this Greek Orthodox nunnery that was apparently visited by Barnabus and Paul the prominent Christian Apostle—their trip to
I have quite a few pictures to put up but I will put them up tomorrow.