Friday, February 09, 2007

Berlinale - Film Festival Day One and Two

Today was the second day of the film festival. Yesterday I watched four movies and today I watched three for a total of seven. I was going to try and watch five today, but then I realized that I have to get up at six in order to get tickets for Sunday. The Film Festival is overwhelming. There are movies playing in like fifteen different theaters at any given time. On top of that, the films tend to be of different lengths so that sometimes I'll have no time to get from one film to the next, while at other times I'll have anywhere from 30 minutes to an hour. All the films that I've watched have been pretty good, aside from these two documentaries that I watched, one about this artist Nikki Lee and the other one about this amusement park/carnival in Vienna called Prater. I think documentaries are tough to watch if you aren't really interested in the subject matter, whereas a narrative film usually follows a set pattern that the audience is familiar with. So far I've been staying away from the big Hollywood blockbuster's and have been focusing mainly on International films that I wouldn't be able to see back in the States. Anyhow, I'll keep this blog posted on the movies that I watch and try to provide reviews of some of them.

On a side note, it has been snowing these last couple of days; as a result, Berlin has been incredibly beautiful, kind of like a winter wonderland.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Where is the pictures of the winter wonderland ?